Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Could Tell You Why I'm Writing This But Then I'd Have To Kill You :]

Ru-roh. This is mine. My blog. My guru Boshaba told me this would help me become happy and find my inner soul. Or was it the Lucky Charms cereal box? Either way I'm writing one. Well what do you say in these blogs? Uuuuuuum..... I go by the name Snoop Chimp. No realtion to the Snoop Dog. Well I have nothing left to say so this is usually where somebody else would stop. I'm not gonna stop though :] . No, I'm just gonna keep typing and you have no choice but to read it because you're hooked and want to find out what else I have to say. By now you've wasted about 5 seconds of your life reading about absolutley nothing. Welcome to my world. Ok but seriously I have to stop before the government finds out where I'm typing this from and takes me to Syria to forever suck Jell-O through a straw. Later!

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