Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tetonic Palates

Paradise is where you can take a swim anytime you want, live on a green beautiful field blanketed in a rainy day, have the peace and quiet of a home, and order pizza all in the same breath. Yeah I've been to paradise and it is oh so sweet. I've been in Utah. Okay, okay, Utah is not what paradise is but it came close for a week. Have you ever taken pictures with a random person walking down the side walk? Ever use a PB&J sandwich for Frisbee? Ever give someone a gift just because you can? Its all fun and games for a week my friends. Yet there was no caffeine so I cannot and will not live there. ANYWAY, Rumpelstiltskin was at the laundry mat and he couldn't fit his whites all in one washer so he had to purchase another washer only to have an Old Windbag come and take his quarters with a traffic cone tied to her head. With a quick jab of her highly visible cone Rumpelstiltskin went flying into 3 bears and quickly lost his wallet and dignity with one swift motion. Not seeing how the day could get any worse he ended up becoming a street dancer. He and the Robot Man in San Francisco then monopolized the street performing business and became multimillionaires. MORAL: even though things look bad right now its never too late to turn things around. Keep it up baby. Peace out. Kiss kiss, hug hug, little kiss, little hug, big hug, semi-large kiss.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh dang I was gonna say he would still have his dignity.. but that hit took a lot outta him! Okayy, good story, it enlightened me! :)
